Uisge Beatha - Water of Life
Uisge Beatha - Water of Life is a photographic journey celebrating the power, beauty, and potential of hydropower in Scotland and Wales. The project is a tribute to the ancient Scottish term "Uisge Beatha," meaning "water of life," and explores how water continues to be a vital source of energy and life in our modern world.
Plant a Seed for Change
Cleaner Energy
For this project I visited Shotwick Solar Park in Deeside, this is a visual exploration of cleaner energy. I also produced a small zine, printed on paper from Shotton Paper Mill, this mill receives its power from this solar park directly. The mill is no longer producing newsprint paper and this is the last of the paper available on site.
Trees of Sefton
For this project I have lit trees using green and red light to highlight their place within the environment, green for woodland and red for urban. I wanted to bring awareness to the trees within my home area of Sefton and show the green space trees and those found alongside busy roads where emission levels are elevated.
This project was based around clean kinetic energy. I created a small accordion style book that contained images showing kinetic energy and when the book was opened and closed it created its own kinetic energy.
This project was completed just after National Recycle Week. I collected glass bottles that had been discarded along the canal banks and I wanted to show a positive image with these abandoned objects.
Maritime Merseyside
After the Blitz rubble from the bombings in Bootle were hidden under sand dunes in Crosby, erosion and changes in tides have uncovered them in recent years. This project involved collecting bricks that had been discarded on Crosby beach and creating still life images. I also put some archival images onto the bricks to signify the evacuations from Bootle and the devastation caused to the community.
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